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It’s difficult to choose a brand that you can trust from the wide range of UV-C devices available on the market. Before you buy a device, check if you’re buying from the manufacturer or the distributor.

Do they have their own laboratory and cooperate with independent research units? Has the quality of their product range been noted by the healthcare industry?

LUG Light Factory is a POLISH manufacturer of lighting with more than 30 years of experience. Now it is also using this experience to support the fight against the coronavirus.

  • Unlike their competitors, LUG offers luminaires that are characterised by:
  •  Tested efficacy thanks to the right dose of radiation (in others it is often too low).
  •  Top-quality radiators – a guarantee of safety and effectiveness. Additionally, materials with good properties minimise hazards such as radiation leaks due to a non-tight finish (quite common for products from the Far East).
  • Attention to occupational health, e.g., ensuring the right sound level, which does not exceed the standard for work rooms (55-65 dB).
  • Adequate protection of plastic elements, so that they do not degrade (do not turn yellow).